Floating Floor Mounts


Floating Floor Perimeter Strip


Floating Floor

Floating floor is the most common part of the floating-rooms system. It can also be used on its own when the main concern is minimizing sound transmission to rooms below. Floating floors are constructed directly on the main supporting floor slab. Typically they are 100mm thick reinforced concrete on plywood and supported by resilient mounts. Selection of correct mounts and designing the layout become important factors that influence the sound isolation properties of the system. Hence the natural frequency of the mounts determines to great extent the overall performance level. In practice, floating floors of natural frequency of 15 Hz can be achieved. This is low enough to have significant impact on audible frequencies. Acrefine manufactures special AFR-R types rubber mounts for standard applications but where even lower frequencies are required AVI-S type spring mounts or their derivatives can be used.